Dr. 罗伯特·H. 2009年7月1日,亨廷顿成为澳门银河网站第14任校长. 自从他到来, he has prioritized the strengthening of Heidelberg’s core student mission of education excellence, 完整的参与, 总成功, 四年毕业, 首选位置. 澳门银河网站对学生来说变得更加现代和相关, sharpening its focus on the needs and priorities identified in the Academic Strategic Initiatives for Improvement Plan (ASIIP) 和 学术战略项目优先计划 (ASPPP). 在过去的13年里,已经筹集了超过1亿美元, including through the highly successful Academic Comprehensive Campaign for Excellence (访问) that raised $77.该项目于2021年6月完工,耗资200万美元. 澳门银河网站继续投资新的学术项目, 教职员工, 创新教与学, 校园技术, 以及新建或翻新的学术设施, 体育运动, 在他的领导下居住.
近年来, 澳门银河网站推出了一系列极具创新性的产品, 以市场为导向的计划, 包括 澳门银河网站学费担保, 四年毕业保证, HYPE Career Ready®计划,和 PlusOneAdvantage®MBA课程, setting the University apart and giving students big opportunities and life advantages as they prepare for their post-graduation careers and lives of purpose with distinction.
博士期间. 亨廷顿的任期, Heidelberg has introduced critical new student 程序ming and resources with the implementation of the 目的是黑师生辅导计划 for all first-time students and enhanced student resources through closer 协作 of the 欧文教学中心 和 斯通纳健康咨询中心. 的 Heidelberg faculty will introduce a new Integrated 研究 General Education 程序 in Fall 2022.
Early in his presidency, he led the planning, development, and ongoing revision of the 澳门银河网站2010-2020年战略行动计划. 随着大学通过这些目标和优先事项取得进展, campus has undergone a tremendous physical transformation with the construction or renovation of 24 student-centered buildings and facilities that have dramatically improved the overall campus experience. 一个跨职能战略规划委员会制定了 澳门银河网站2022-2026年度战略增长行动计划 in 2021-2022. 董事会于2021年12月批准了SGAP.
Dr. 亨廷顿在企业部门工作了25年后来到澳门银河网站, having worked in a variety of executive management positions for more than 22 years at Dunkin’ Brands Inc. 在马萨诸塞州的波士顿. 另外, he served as a member of the Board of Trustees for 11 years at Lasell College in Newton, 麻萨诸塞州. 1955年出生于明尼苏达州的明尼阿波利斯,在俄勒冈州的奥斯威戈湖长大. Huntington is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of 明德学院, earning his undergraduate B.A. 政治学和德语学位,他的德语很流利. 他得到了M。.A. degree in German literature from Middlebury’s University of Mainz 程序 in Germany, his M.B.A. 达特茅斯大学塔克商学院(Tuck 商学院)学士学位.D. 高等教育管理专业, planning and social policy from the Harvard University Graduate 教育学院.
在社区里, he was chair of the 吃午饭-Seneca Economic Partnership (formerly SIEDC) Board of Trustees and its Executive Committee for three years and remains an active member. 他也是吃午饭社区基金会董事会的成员, 东格林基金会董事会, 湖畔肖托夸董事会, 以及午餐扶轮社. 在高等教育中, he is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC) and serves as a Trustee for the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Ohio (AICUO). 在全国范围内,博士. Huntington served on the NCAA Division III Presidents Council and as a member of the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee, while also representing the Ohio Athletic 会议 on the NCAA Division III Presidents Advisory Group, 整整七年.
Dr. 亨廷顿的妻子是约翰. 苏珊·M. McCafferty, 临床心理学家和律师, 他是在他们的大学母校认识他们的, 明德学院. 她是兼职教授,法律预科顾问,和主席 帕特里夏·亚当斯系列讲座 选拔委员会. 他们有两个快成年的孩子,阿什利和艾丹. 作为蒂芬房主,y are very engaged in helping to make Heidelberg’s hometown a more vibrant community for everyone.